Government Relations
Infrastructure is a critical issue impacting St. Louis' economy, society, security and future. That’s why approximately every four years, we develop a report card depicting the condition and performance of Missouri's infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report card – assigning letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement.
The report card is one of our key projects. It serves an important role in raising public awareness and providing elected officials the necessary tools to support infrastructure funding. As civil engineers in the State of Missouri, we have a responsibility to safeguard the life, health, and welfare of the public. We believe part of this responsibility includes providing the public and our elected leaders with critical information about the current state of our infrastructure.
Are you interested in public policy? Sign up to become a Key Contact to learn about and help amplify ASCE’s voice on public policy issues important to our profession. Your experience as a civil engineer resonates with elected officials and helps them understand the implications of legislation and regulation.
As a Key Contact you will receive:
This Week in Washington (TWIW) – this email will keep you updated on current state and federal legislative action and other tools and resources available to you.
Key Alerts – key alerts will ask you to take action on specific issues in support of ASCE’s priorities. It only takes a few minutes to hit send on a pre-drafted email, personal email, or pick up the phone and call your legislator. They want to hear from you and we try to make communicating with them as easy as possible.
2026 Report Card for Missouri's Infrastructure
ASCE STL & ASCE Kansas City Sections are seeking volunteers to develop the 2026 Report Card for Missouri's Infrastructure! The ASCE Infrastructure Report Card assigns a "letter grade" to each sub-category of infrastructure in our state. The Report Card is an important tool for public outreach and government advocacy. This document is frequently referenced in press releases and utilized by our legislators in Jefferson City during public infrastructure budget discussions.
We're looking for volunteers for the 2026 Report Card!
Section Writers - You will team up with another volunteer to write a 3-4 page write-up on the condition, funding sources, and reliability of a category of infrastructure. As this is a year-long commitment, ASCE STL offers seven (7) PDH's for section writers! Our last report card included 11 categories:
Release Event Lead - This individual would coordinate and lead the release event at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City during the 2026 Legislative Session.
Take a look at the full 2018 ASCE Missouri Infrastructure Report Card and the Executive Summary/Brochure for an idea of what we're going to produce for 2026. What's the timeline?
January 2025 - Kickoff Meeting
February 2025/Onwards - Monthly 30-min check-ins
May 2025 - First Draft Due
October 2025 - Second Draft Due
January 2026 - Release Event
Let us know if you would like participate in shaping public policy by forming Missouri's next Infrastructure Report Card. We're going to need a lot of help!
Capitol Day
An annual traditional hosted by Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) whereas all engineering professions advocate for the future of our profession. Engineers play an important role in society, and it's important that you make your voice heard in our community and by Missouri legislators. If we do not, another industry or group – perhaps with interests at odds with our own – is likely to fill the vacuum we leave. Missouri legislators are constantly voting on bills that affect our profession, such as licensure, infrastructure funding, environmental permitting, to name a few. If we don't have a seat at the legislative table, people will forget about us. And when they forget about us, bad things happen.
We need to promote the engineering profession to Missouri legislators, so that we can serve as a resource when public policy issues that affect engineering come up for a vote. ACEC, APWA, ASCE and MSPE are partnerto conduct an "Engineer's Day at the Missouri Capitol". The purpose of this day, in conjunction with Engineer's Week, is to educate legislators on the important and diverse roles that engineers play in our community, and to increase our presence and voice in the public policy process.