Missouri Department of Transportation - Varies by Location
MoDOT has opened several positions involving geotechnical work for the Central Office in Jefferson City. Some positions must work in Jeff City, but one can be considered for partial teleworking, and others involve a lot of travel around Missouri. Can you please post these job announcements on your website and/or e-mail your membership as soon as you can? If you know anyone who applies, please ask them to write my name on their application so I can get a bonus if they are hired!
MoDOT jobs can be found on the State of Missouri’s MO Careers website at https://mocareers.mo.gov/
Job positions can be found using the search. The open geology-related ones are: Geotechnical Engineer, Geotechnical Specialist Series, Core Drill Supervisor, Core Drill Operator, Materials Testing Supervisor, and Materials Testing Specialist.